Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

Session 13: The High Heart Centre

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Music by Thaddeus: on ISF132J, Divine Spark from Initiation; on ISF134J, Silent Majesty from Temple of the Masters.


There are certain frequency patterns or qualities of light that are present in the space of core reality and that have a special relevance to us. These are qualities which translate easily from that space into our local reality and enhance our experience of being alive here. Two qualities that Sananda has selected to begin with are wonder and grace. These qualities combine in beautiful ways; in the previous session you used them explore the state of being with Source. In this session we go on to look at how this combination of qualities of light maybe brought more fully into our personal reality.

In the first inner journey we focus upon the high heart centre, for this centre can be particularly sensitive to the blend of frequencies that arises when we bring together the light of wonder and the light of grace. One of the characteristics of the light of grace is that of self-renewal. Like the Phoenix it regenerates itself, perhaps in this way reminding us of the limitless abundance of the Source of All. When it is combined with the light of wonder we may experience a sense of limitless joy being always available to us.

The high heart centre also communicates renewal. Like the heart centre, love is central to its function. But here love might be experienced as a steady continuous state, rather than the flow of giving and receiving we may associate with the heart centre. Sometimes referred to as the seat of the soul, it may be that the high heart’s capacity to know that love is, beyond all doubt, might be sufficient to earn it this title. Sananda has also related this centre to the state of becoming, so we might add to the certainty that love is, the certainty that there is always more.

In the second inner journey you have the opportunity to make an exploration that is like the Being with Source journey of our previous session, in that there is an emphasis on allowing, of releasing ourselves from the effort of making something happen. Here you are witnessing the blended light of wonder and grace being with the high heart. Each has an energy of completeness, perhaps of self-containment, which might initially make seem as if there is a gap between the light and the centre, a state of non-communication. But in allowing the light and the centre to be as they are, you may discover an expansive state of consciousness developing.

Session 14: The Light of Grace into Local Reality

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Music by Thaddeus: on ISF142J, Angels of Divine Love from Awakening Your Heart Center; on ISF144J, Spinning Wheel of Light from Awakening Your Heart Center.


We are developing an underlying practice of ‘being with’. There continues to be activity: we are importing the light of grace into this reality from core reality through wall of fire, and movement by and with us is implicit in this process and of course the light itself is highly active. But you are learning to allow that activity to be without any particular form or way of relating to it being asked of you. Desisting from an active engagement with these energies can take practice. ‘Being with’ can feel strange to us, but it proves to open up and make space for a new quality to be present in this reality.

In part, this new quality is a natural consequence of the light of grace fulfilling one of its primary functions. It comes to dissolve certain internal limiting structures. As it does this a larger inner space, a sense of roominess within our own life, opens up. You may find that this asks for adjustments in you own perception of who and what you are, and what the nature of this life might be. You may find yourself revisiting the events and the narrative of your life or contemplating your life as a whole in itself that exists within a greater whole. And with this you may find yourself considering your own mortality. If so, be reassured. All these kind of side-effects are naturally attendant on the increasing ease with which you pass consciously back and forth between core and local reality.

Our first inner journey focuses upon the movement of the light of grace as we experience it in core reality through the wall of fire and into local reality. You might think of yourself as charging up with that light in core reality and then allowing it to discharge in this reality. Then in the second inner journey Sananda guides you to be with this light of grace and the heart and high heart centres especially until there is an emergence of the light of wonder engaging with local reality.

Session 15: Solar Fire in Wonder

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Music by Thaddeus: on ISF152J, Spiritual Sun Opening from The Spiritual Sun; on ISF154J, Illumination from The Spiritual Sun.


Just as the light of wonder proves to be an excellent medium for the light of grace, so it is now used as a medium through which the solar fire can expand beyond the heart centre to become more pervasive in your energy field. Sananda likens the action of this fuller presence of solar fire upon the structures of your personality self to the deformation of rock strata by heat from within the Earth. This analogy is used in the context of his description of the personality self as laminated; that is, made up of accretions of response to our experiences, each layer of which is not particularly strong, but which taken together create an interface with the world that can be quite resistant to change.

Since such responses are often based on a partial understanding from which general conclusions are then drawn, we can find ourselves unduly constrained by them. The action of solar fire does not at this stage dissolve those limiting beliefs, but it does dissolve the glue that holds associated bundles of belief to one another. It is then up to us to address the more freely floating components of the personality self in whatever ways we might choose.

In the second inner journey Sananda guides you to one way of releasing or transforming redundant beliefs, ideas, character traits or habitual responses. You are guided to be with the solar angels and devas as they bring light around the energy forms that manifest as these aspects of the personality self, facilitating whatever change is most helpful for you.

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